Thursday, 24 November 2011

W/C 21st Novemeber

The main focus for this week has been putting together my target audeince profile.

To do this is have analysed the polls i previous commenced, as part of my research and then i made graphs using the results and thought about what the results meant for me. This enabled me to have a picture in mind of who exactly i am aiming the video i am creating at. This will also help, especially when it comes to creating the digipak and the advert, as they need to appeal to the target audeince if they have any chance of paying any attention to them, and taking in the information.

Also this week, i was able to finally over come the previous problems i had with uploading my Animatic. I found that exporting it as a flash file instead of a windows media file was the best option, and after doing this and uploading it on to my blog it was playing fine, although the quality of sound wasnt as high as before.

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Target Audience Profile

The Above is a presentation showing the results from the polls i posted on my blog as graphs with a short explantation and break down of what it means for me and my target audeince. It tells me what i need to be making sure i am doing in my music video, in order to make it pleasing for my target audeince.

Friday, 18 November 2011

W/C 14th November

This week the focus has been on completing all the key production documents, such as the Call Sheets, Permission slips, Risk assesment and location release. It was imporant i completed this documents this week because my first shoot was on Wednesday, therefore i needed to have the call sheet for that shoot and also the risk assement and permission slips complete before this.
After this, i then made sure i completed the other documents (Location Call sheet & Location release) so they were ready for my second shoot which is set to take place on Sunday.

As i am filiming outside of school hours, also on the Thursday i had to collect the equipment i needed from the school and make arrangments with the people who have booked to film on staurday to collect the equpiment from them so i had it for my shoot on Sunday.

Location Release Form

This document has been signed by the owners of the property i am filiming my music video at. It gives me permission to film the premises, and to state that they know and agree to the conditions. This is because it has been signed my them.

Shot List

Shot List

this isuseful document to have completed for when filiming, as it outlines all the planned shots, and therefore avoids taking pointless shots in on the day. In particular, it will be useful to me because time is short for me, as during the winter months there is less daylight, therefore i need to make the most of the day light we do have and make sure the shots that i get are the shots that i want and need, and with this document i will be able to tick off when i have taken the shot.

Model Release Form

Similar to the actor release form, this document gives me permission to take picture of my actress to use for the dgipak and also the magazine advertisment. As it has been signed, i can take photos of my model and use & edit them in whatver what i like, as she has agreed to this.

Risk Assessment

Risk Assessment

This document outlines all the possible risks that cold occur while filiming, and the precautions that shoul be taken t avoid the risk from happening, while also suggesting what to do if the risk does unfortunatly occur while filiming. This is an imporant document to have present when filiming because instead of wasting time thinking about what to do in the event of an accident, me as director or other crew memebers can look at the risk assessment and see what it suggests to do in the situation.

Call Sheet (Location)

Call Sheet Location)

This is the call sheet for the filming which will take place on location, out of school. This document is even more imporant because it states all the equipment which will need to be collected from school before hand and it also tells the crew memebers where the filiming location is and what time they will need to be there for. Also, as there will not be an oppertunity for them tp change, it states the costume they will be required to wear.

Actor Release Forms

The above documents give me permission to film the actors/acress i have recuited to be in my video, and give me permission to edit their image to suit for my needs. As they have been signed, they argee to these conditions. Therefore, if they see the work after i have produced it, they cannot dispute with what i have done, as they have signed the document to say they agree to me using them and editing.

Call Sheet (Green Screen)

Call Sheet (Green Screen)

Above is the call sheet for the scenes which will be shot in the school studio, 'Green Screen' and then edited at a later stage on the computers. This document states when and where the filiming will take place, who will need to be present  what equipment i will need and any other relevant details. This is a useful document for both me the director and also other crew memebrs so they know when and where they are required and what for.

Thursday, 17 November 2011

Props & Costume

As music video is filmed at a home location, the actor and actress will not be required to wear 'costume'. I have asked for them to wear casual clothes:
- Actress: Jeans & Light colour top
- Actor: Chino's with dark colour top

There are also a limited list of props required:
- Photo Album
- Baseball style hat
- Black bag full of clothes

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

About Polarising Lens

I have done a bit of research into how to avoid the glare off the glass, which was pointed out to be in the feedback, and i discovered this lens which you can put on the camera to avoid the glare. I have also done some research about this lens, which is what this presenation is about.

Saturday, 12 November 2011

W/C 7th November

The Main task i have tackled this week is the animatic. This has taken me longer than first anticipated, as i have had a few problems with it.
I was able to create the document succesfully and also exprt it off Adobe Premiure, which is the programme i used to create it. However, when i then uploaded it on to Blogger, the file wouldnt play the way i wanted it to play. The images werent playing in time with the music, the way that i wanted it to, and the way that i had exported it.
I tried several different ways to try to rectify the problem, such as re uploading the video, hosting it on YouTube first and also exporting the file another time.


Audience Feedback Form tic

I have recieved fedback from both a male and a female this time round, as i realised i was only gaining feedback from females, and males are infact a part of my target audeince profile, and therefore it is imporant i gain their opinion on the work i am producing.

Thursday, 10 November 2011


This video is a sequence of moving images to illistrate my storyboard, which could also be descibed as an animated storyboard.

Thursday, 3 November 2011

W/C 31st October

This week we were back at school and have began to think about when we are going to film, such as booking a space for the green screen studio. Also, we looked at the schedule for when things should be done, and this made me realise that because the only day that my actor can do is sunday due to other commitments, i effectively have 4 days to get all the filming done, to give enough time for editing.

Also, this week i was able to finish my storyboard for the video. The storyboard will help on the day of filming, as it gives a rought idea of what needs to be filmed.


The Storyboard

The Storyboard #2

The two images above is the storyboard for the music video, showing roughly what will be filmed, the camera angle and then lastly the lyrics to the song for that part of the song. This will be useful for filiming, as it gives a rough outline of what needs to be filmed and when.