Wednesday, 28 March 2012

W/C 26th March

This week i have set myself the task of completing my music video to the standard of the final version.

In order to achieve this task i need to lastly had in animated flourishs on the clips of green screen.i went throuigh all of them which were avaiable and picked out four that i thought would look best and be most suitable for my video.

On after effects to add them in, you have to drag them onto the project once they have been imported, into the right place ont the timeline, and then cut them down to the right size and resize them ect.

I have managedto get all this completed and i have completed my final version. I am now going to export the video adn get feedback and find out if there is anything else which needs to be changed.

Friday, 23 March 2012

W/C 19th March

As i said last week, i was looking into what i could do on the shots where i have put in a green background. I liked the idea of the lense flare and was disappointed i would be able to use it on the green background. So i thought about changing the colour of the flare to make it stand out more.

I was unsure of how to do this so i researched on the interenet to find out how it was done.What i didnt find out was that the method of changing the colour would only work when there is a black background, otherwise it changes the colour of everything on the screen, which isnt what i wanted. So again i had to take the lense flare away.

Thursday, 15 March 2012

W/C 12th March

As i said last week, i replaced the green screen background alternating between a pale pink and lime green, as these colour are used with all my products and therefore go with the colour scheme, however when i watched the video back and also got other people to look at it we all agreed it just didnt look right. So i went away and thought about different things i could do instead.

The idea i best liked was keeping with the pale pink and lime green colour scheme but adding in a gradient overlay, so the colour wasnt solid. To do this, i had to create a 'picture' on photoshop and then import to onto after affects, and same as before drop it in behind the artist in place of where the green used to be.
I have now completed with the phase and am happy with the way it looks.

The next task i have also completed this week in the lense flare i spoke about doing last week. I was going to have this for all the coloured background, but when i tried it, it didnt look as effective on the green background as it did on the pink background. I again asked what other people thought, and agreed it was difficult to see on the green background. So i decided not have it on the green background and leave it on just the pink backgrounds. Instead i am going to see what else i can do on after effects and use a different affect on the green backgrounds.

Thursday, 8 March 2012

W/C 5th March

Now i have removed all the green screen background, i am able to move on to the next stage of production which is to add effects. I am undecided of exactly what i want, although i have a few ideas. So i am going to start with these ideas and then see what else is avaiable and recieve audeince feedback to see what people think and suggest.

Before doing anything i will have to add in a background, as now i have removed the green the background is currently transparent. I am keeping with the colour scheme and have choose a pale pink and a lime green for the background. I am then goign to add other affects such a lense flare on top of this. This week i have learnt how to do this, and therefore will need to work to apply this where appropiate in the video. Currently the lense flare is white, however i am going to look into if possible to change the colour also.

Friday, 2 March 2012

W/C 27th February

Now that i have my final draft of music video, i am able to begin to add special effects, such as removing the green screen background and insteading adding colours more appropiate and other effects such as lense flare and patterns.

Firstly this week i am aiming to remove all the greenscreen backgrounds from teh video, which will give me the oppertunity to move on to adding effects the following week.
In order to do this, i will now be using a new programme, Adobe After Effects. The first thing i did was upload the video on to the software, and then 'cut up' the video into sections of where the green screen on viasble in the video.The next stage is to actually remove the background, which is done using an add on called Keylight 1.2, which picks up on the green and simply removes it.  This has to be repeated for everytime there is green screen backgorund.