Thursday, 26 January 2012

W/C 23rd January

This week i have been focusing on finishing off the centre page of the Digipak.

My idea was to make it look like the model/artist was sat on all of the poloroid pictures, which i created last week.
I was not sure how to do this, so i put a lot of time and effort into looking up how to do this. I also spoke to my teacher to ask for advise on the best way of doing this.
I then decided to used the Vanishing point tool.

Sunday, 22 January 2012

W/C 16th January

This week we have been on study leave due to exam season.
However, the school have allowed me to take a laptop hme with me to continue with coursework, and this has been a huge help, as it means i can do work everyday though not at school, instead of wasting the time

I have used this oppertunity to the mximum and have been doing little bits everyday. The main task for this week has been editing the pictures i previously took in the last photoshoot. I want to use these images for the centre of the DigiPak, as the model is goingto be sat on all the polaroid pictures and therefore, all the images need to be turned into polaroids first. Below is an explanation as to how i have been doing this.

Creating a Polaroid Picture on Photoshop

I also wanrted to change the colour of the chairs that she was sitting on, so they would all be different colours. I wasnt sure how to do this, and as we weren't in school, i had to look this up and fiund this out for myself. i found several methods, so i tried them all out and then chose which one i found most effective and worked best for me, which was to go to 'Select' and click on 'Color Range'. this then enable me to select which part of the image i wanted to change, there i simply selected the chair, by ensuring in the dialogue box, the chair was white, while the rest of the image was black. i then went to 'Image', 'Adjustments', 'Hue/Saturation', and used the toggles to change the colour to whatever i wanted.
Other options where to go to 'Image', 'Adjustement', 'Replace Colour' or 'Selectetive Colour', and to use either of these where very similar tyo the original method, i just found 'Hue/Saturation' worked better for what i was doing.

Thursday, 12 January 2012

W/C 9th January

Due to exams, i have missed 3 lessons this week, however we are also on study leave for the next two weeks, which is an excellent oppertunity for me to get some work done at home.
Over the study leave, we can still go into school to get work done also, and laptops will be avaibale to take home, which have Photshop on Premiere installed on them.

The main task i need to get comeplted is the Digipack, which i plan to complte the first draft by the end of the study leave, so when we return back at school i can get feeback and make improvements.


This is the second version of my advert. I have taken on board the comments i recieved about the first version, and changed/added things. Such as, i have changed the colour of the R, the line and 'Take a Bow'. I think by doing this i have made the advert come alive, and as the album is due to be relseaed in may which is spring time, leading on to summer, these colours have a summer feel to them, and therefore more suiable than black. i have also added instiutional information at the bottom at the advert, which is a key convention.

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Magazine Advert Feedback

This is feedback i recieved for the first draft of the magazine advert i have created. It is imporatant to recieve feedback after a first dragft becasue it enables you to show the audeince what ideas you have in your head and they can spot the faults that you dont see in order for you to correct them and make the perfect peice which both the audeince and yourself can appreciate and be happy with.

Music Video (First Draft) Feedback

Audience Feedback Form (Music Video.)

This is the feedback i recievedfor the first draft of my music video. Although its not complete to the standard i want, i think it is still important to recieve feedback at this stage, as it gives me the chance to go back and make changes on the work i have already done, andalso the audeincewill havean imput in to how the final finishedproduct will look at the end, which is essiential, as its the audeince i am trying to please.

Monday, 2 January 2012

19th December - 3rd January

This period has been the christmas hoildays and therefore we havent been at school.

However over this time, i have continued to do work.

For example, i have ensured all work is up to date and complete and made improvements on work previosuly completed.
I have also recieved feedback on both the poster and the music video i posted before the hoildays.

When i go back to school, i will be ableto begin work on the CD cover and also begin the improvements, such as work on AfterEffects for my music video